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Family Medicine / Sexual Medicine

About Us: Team


I am a board-certified family physician and specialize in sexual medicine.  After practicing full spectrum family medicine (delivering babies and taking care of people at the end of their life and everything in between) for 10 years, I was drawn to the field of sexual medicine.  The journey began with a church home group on marriage, and we were discussing the book Love and Respect.  The leaders asked if anyone wanted to lead a specific chapter from the book, and I was not eager to lead anything because my plate was already overflowing a full-time job as a physician, being a wife, and taking care of 2 small children at the time. Much to my surprise, my husband volunteered us to lead the session on sex. 


Feeling at a loss for what to discuss because our sex life was not anything to brag about, I had to get resources.  I found some Christian books on sex and marriage to help with the discussion.  The books were helpful for me, my marriage, and the home group.  The home group was a big hit, and most people really appreciated the information we learned. Some were too embarrassed to say anything, as is the case when we talk about sex.  


I was later asked to give a similar presentation at the women’s retreat. The presentation and discussions that followed were well received. Women were not only paying attention, but they were taking notes, too. They were hungry for information about sexual health because no one else was talking about it. Following the women’s retreat, I encountered other people who were struggling with sexual problems. 


One instance was when my husband and I were on vacation in Mexico, and two couples just a few feet from us were joking about sex. We struck up a conversation with all of them and had some laughs. I just happened to be reading The Celebration of Sex by Doug Rosenau and shared the resource with them.  I soon started talking one on one with the two young women, and they shared (though tears) that each of them was struggling with sexual function on their honeymoon. They were afraid that this was going to be the case for the rest of their lives.  


My eyes were opened to the huge need for good information and a forum to get help. I then realized the need for support for sexual intimacy because people have questions and concerns, and they do not know where to go for help. Eventually, I pursued additional training in sexual medicine because we get minimal to no training during medical school and residency.  Even OBGYNs, who only take care of women, rarely get any training in sexual health matters. So, I sought out experts in the country, spent some time with them, attended several conferences, and changed my specialty to sexual medicine.  I now practice at two different sexual medicine clinics in St. Louis Park and St. Paul, MN.  


I started Intimate Focus to spread awareness about sexual health, take away the shame, and to provide a safe, comfortable place to learn about sexual wellness. As part of my medical practice, I often encourage patients to get a good lubricant and consider a vibrator to help with arousal and orgasm because our bodies just do not function like they used to. Many of my patients did not know where to purchase these items because they did not want to go to an adult store or buy one online for fear of the emails they might subsequently get. My mission is to equip women and couples by providing trustworthy education and quality products in a fun, comfortable, and non-intimidating manner.

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